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Our Mission

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Mission Statement

Beth Sholom ECC is a learning community, built to advocate for the growth and development of the whole child.  Embracing our strong Jewish identity, we are committed to providing a rich and loving environment that emphasizes experiential, sensory-based, hands on learning. 



We are a child-centered program that is inspired by the educational approach of the preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy.  We believe that children need a rich and loving learning environment to stimulate their senses and explore the world around them.  Children learn best through meaningful, creative play, guided by nurturing teachers who support the learning.  Our child-centered program reflects the integration of physical, cognitive, social-emotional, language and aesthetic development.  The fostering of each child's Jewish identity as well as an appreciation and understanding of Jewish holidays, traditions, values, connection to Israel and Hebrew is especially important.  Our strong commitment to Judaism and Jewish values are communicated through our actions, celebrations and learning experiences each and every day.  

Our program embraces an 'emergent curriculum' that builds upon the interests of the children, as well as the teachers.  Teachers encourage curiosity, questioning and love of learning so that each child has a strong foundation for continued school success.  Beth Sholom ECC is a learning community, built around the relationships among all the children, families and teachers.  Together, we provide the highest quality Jewish early childhood education available.  

Core Values


כבוד (Kavod)
Honor and Respect

קהילה (Kehilla)
Community and Belonging


רחמים   (Rachamin)
Compassion and Empathy

עצמאות (Atzmaut)

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